Friday, December 3, 2004

I'm in jam session withdrawl...

Hey kids.  I want to have a jam session.  So, tell me when you're free.  I'm in withdrawl...  I don't care if it's with the band, I just want to fag around with a guitar.  So yeah.  Call me or e-mail me or something.  Bye kids.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Time to kidnap a drummer...

Nick is back from Honduras!!!!  HAHAHA!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2004

I have decided to turn this into the band weblog...

Yeah.  I mean, why not?  Why not make a place to whine about stuff that no one cares about?  It's not like the band actually uses it for anything anymore now that we have the group...  I'm hereby proclaiming this space as a place for people not in the band to come and tell us how stupid we are.  But, it will end up as me and April commenting back and forth about how stupid we are.  Or, I guess it'll be how stupid I am and how April fights with everyone like they're married...  I mean, Jordan is never on, and Nick probably blew up his computer and plus, he's still technically not in the band.  Stupid drummers....  Not wanting to practice....  Whatever...  Drummers with actual tangable drum sets are a beast to find in the first place so yeah...  oh, and if either of you (april or jordan) want to post something on here, just e-mail it to me and i'll post it.  farewell all!!!


Monday, May 17, 2004

Another Question No One in the Band Will EVER Read! EVER!

Anyway...  I know I've talked to Jordan about this but not April.  Not that she'll ever see this.  Ever.  So.  Yeah.  Let's talk drummers...

Sunday, May 9, 2004

Another Question for the Band!

T-Shirt Design.  I mean, I know what ya'll think about it, but we need to decide as a band, not as Jordan and her aunt and April and Michelle.  Anyway, post how you want the shirts.

Saturday, February 7, 2004

Next Practice


Monday, February 2, 2004

Question For The Band!

ok, recently a colorful song was posted, and I just want to know how you feel about that and who our "target audience" is and such... post your opinion (cause i'm posing mine...)